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An Artistic Tribute To President Truman

The Truman Little White House was gifted a lovely stained glass window by artists Julie Wright and Jenny Rivera.

About The Piece:
VP of Advocacy & Outreach Vickie Pritchett and President Shane Ray of the National Fire Sprinkler Association – NFSA, graciously gifted the Truman Little White House Museum a one-of-a-kind glass mosaic created by Jenny Nance and Jenny Rivera from All Glassed Up. Both artists share a background in fire service. This marvelous artwork marks the 75th anniversary of the first conference to address and bring attention to fire prevention and protection by Harry S. Truman in 1947. As well as establishing the “Three E’s”, Engineering, Enforcement, and Education.

About The Artists:
From a young age, Jenny Rivera has always been a craftsperson. Utilizing different mediums, such as glass, cloth, yarn, and graphite drawing, her specialty is creating portraits with these different materials. Jenny is a Paramedic and worked for the citizens of Independence, Missouri as both an EMT and a Paramedic from 2006-2017.  Since then, she is employed full-time as a Paramedic for Johnson County Ambulance District, in Johnson County, Missouri. She resides in Independence, Missouri with her husband and children. Her husband, Jason Rivera, is a Firefighter in Sugar Creek, Missouri.  

Born in Kansas City, Kansas in 1988, Julie Wright has always been a very hands-on person, enjoying crafts, arts, and baking. Currently, she resides in Sugar Creek, Missouri with her husband of nine years and her two children.  Julie’s artistic side was apparent even as a young child, learning new ways to express herself in various different mediums. Julie currently works full-time as a Registered Medical Assistant in an internal medicine clinic serving the citizens of Kansas City and the surrounding communities. Her husband, Jeremy Wright, works as a Firefighter for the city of Sugar Creek, Missouri. 

In 2022, Julie Wright and Jenny Rivera, both co-owners, came together to open All Glassed Up, a stained-glass studio in Independence, Missouri. Together, they spend the majority of their free time creating custom stained-glass pieces.

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