Monday, January 20th - Due to a private event, the last tour of the day will be at 3:30pm.

Key West Naval Station

Thomas Edison lived in Quarters A and invented 41 weapons in World War I.
Thomas Edison lived in Quarters A and invented 41 weapons in World War I.

Before it was the Little White House, the building was the home of our Naval Station Commanders. . Lt. Commander Winn oversaw its construction in 1890.

The following Naval Station commanding officers lived in Quarters A, the building now known as the Little White House:

Lt. Comdr. J. K. Winn 1885-1895
Cmdr. J.M. Forsyth 1896-1898
Cmdr F.P. Gilmore 1898-1899
Capt. R.E. Impey 1899-1900
Capt. J.W. Gowan 1900-1901
Cmdr. A.B. Little 1901-1902
Capt. G.A. Bicknell 1902-1904
Capt. G.P. Coivocoresses 1904-1905
Capt. W.H. Boehler 1905-1910
Capt. Edward.E. Hayden 1910-1911
Rear Adm. Lucien Young 1911-1912
Capt. Edward E. Hayden 1912-1915
Capt. E.E. Hayden 1910-1911
Cmdr. W.J. Terhune 1915-1917
Capt. F.A. Traut 1917-1919
Rear Adm. B.C. Decker 1919-1920
Capt. W.S. Crosley 1921-1923
Capt. W.D. Brotherton 1923-1923
Capt. C. D. Stearns 1923-1926
Capt. R.W. McNeely 1926-1929
Capt. R.T. Menner 1930-1932

From 1932 to 1939, the Naval Station only had a minimal staff and Quarters A was “mothballed”.

Cmdr. G.B. Hoey 1939-1940
Capt. W.F. Jacobs 1940-1941
Capt. R.E. Crenshaw 1941-1942
Capt. C.E. Reordan 1942-1946

From 1946 to 1952, the submarine base commanders lived in other buildings on the naval station while Quarters A served as the Little White House for President Truman.

The Naval station commanding officer resumed use of Quarters A after 1952. (Rear Adm. I.T. Duke – 1952-1953 )

On July 1, 1952, Rear Adm. Duke was named first commander of the combined Key West Naval Station, Key West Submarine Base and Key West Force.

Rear Adm. G.C. Tower 1953-1955
Rear Adm. H.H. Henderson 1955-1956
Rear Adm. J.H. Ward 1956-1957
Rear Adm. Francis D. McCorkle 1957-1959 – preserved Truman’s furniture collection & entertained former President Truman on a 1957 visit.
Rear Adm. L.M. Mustin 1959-1960 -entertained former President Truman Admiral R.V. McElroy 1960-1963 hosted both visits by President Kennedy
Rear Adm. Louis J. Kirn 1963-1964 entertained former President Truman
Rear Adm. T.A. Christopher 1964-1967 hosted Vice President Humphrey’s visit
Rear Adm. F.J. Brush 1967-1969- entertained President Truman on his last visit
Rear Adm. D.F. Smith, Jr. 1970-1971
Rear Adm. John H. Mauer 1971-1974- entertained King Hussein I

The Key West Naval Station was formally disestablished on March 29,1974.

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