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Key West Harry S. Truman foundation Funding Areas

General operational funds

As the name implies these are the daily costs of operation such as utilities, insurance, and salaries.

Educational outreach

These are the expenses for programs to school children, teacher resources, The annual Truman Legacy Symposium, on-going research, college intern programs.

Restoration and preservations of the buildings

The Little White House was built in 1890 and the proposed educational center was built in 1906. Century old buildings, especially ones exposed to our tropical climate, require extraordinary efforts to keep them looking presidential. The re-creation of our historic appearance through paint analysis and replication of historic fabrics, wall coverings and carpets are expensive, but necessary.


Personal artifacts and objects used by our Presidents are highly collectible and should be returned to the Little White House and our museum exhibits. Assets designated to this fund allow us to purchase items that would otherwise be sold to private collectors.


Exhibits are the heart of most museums. These physical displays allow our visitors , especially school children, to learn from the past via photographs and objects. New technologies require use to become more interactive as well as create online exhibits to reach a global audience.


This is our permanent fund. Your gift is preserved intact and the interest used to fund programs of the museum and foundation.

A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free (800—435- 7352) within the state. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state. The Key West Harry S Truman Foundation Registration is CH32274.

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