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Key West Harry S. Truman foundation Planned Gifts

Your choices now can effect generations to come….

With a well planned charitable gift , you may be able to become a greater philanthropist than you ever thought possible.

The Harry S. Truman Little White House building, our acre of gardens and the proposed 27,000 square foot educational center receive no regular financial support from either the state of Florida or the Federal government. Your charitable gift is extremely important both now and into the future.

The on-going research has revealed so much new information and more is being discovered, yet financial and space restrictions have prevented us from sharing this incredible story with American citizens, school children and our thousands of international visitors. Your gift combined with others will allow this expansion to occur.

Gifts that immediately fund our programs

Donations of cash, securities and other assets. Cash and stock gifts go to work right away supporting our efforts and can be fully deducted from your taxable income. Gifts of other assets (real estate, artwork, jewelry, etc.) also can also be used to finance our operations. However, these gifts may require qualified appraisals. Donating appreciated assets eliminates capital gains taxes, so we suggest using assets with the lowest cost basis.

Foundation grants. Contributions from foundations of all types provide invaluable operating funds. Please let us know whether your foundation is interested in preservation, history, beautification and/or education and would welcome a proposal.

Planned gifts that provide funds now-and in the future

As with any important financial decisions, please consult your accountant, banker or Estate planner. The Key West Harry S. Truman Foundation, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 charity and your gifts will be fully deductible to the extent of the law reducing taxes to yourself or your estate and your generosity insures the sustainability of this important American landmark and its educational programs. The site is held in trust by the Governor and Cabinet of the State of Florida so it is permanently protected. Your contributions insure the educational outreach and operational expenses are met.

Special interest areas for planned giving

Whatever your choice for planned giving, you can designate areas of special interest for your gifts. View listings.

A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free (800—435-7352) within the state. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state. The Key West Harry S Truman Foundation Registration is CH32274.

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