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Harry s. Truman little white house Teacher Resources

The Little White House provides a workshop in democracy in that six American Presidents have used the site. Three as a vacation retreat, two as a working White House location where the business of government was conducted and one as a summit site. The tour is fully narrated by professional trained docents. It is age appropriate for grades 4 to adult. As the State of Florida’s only presidential museum, admission for student groups is extremely reasonable. Reservations are required.

The Truman Presidential Library, of Independence, Missouri is the official National Archives presidential library and we encourage you to visit their site for lesson plans on President Harry S. Truman.

Pre-field trip or post field trip readings might include topics discussed during the Little White House tour. The tours are structured to the grade level. The tour topics include use of the atomic bomb, de-segration of the federal workforce and the branches of the armed services, recognition of Israel, The Berlin Airlift, the Truman Doctrine that changed US foreign policy, the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); creation of Everglades National Park, the Korean War.

Projects that might be considered:

Reports can be given using primary source material available from the website thus encouraging research skills and the use
of the internet.

Posters and collages can made using photos downloaded from this website or at

Curriculum guides are under development.

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